House Passes Stopgap to Avert a Government Shutdown, 341-82

by Charlotte Hazard


The House on Wednesday passed a stopgap to fund the government for three months in a 341-82 vote, averting a government shutdown. 

The stopgap is now expected to be passed by the Senate this evening before heading to President Joe Biden’s desk. 

The legislation includes $231 million to fund the U.S. Secret Service, according to The Hill.

The 82 members who voted against the stopgap were part of the GOP. 

Prior to the vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that once the continuing resolution passed, the Senate would move fast to vote on it. 

“As both parties work to avoid a shutdown, we encourage House Republican leadership to get this bill to the floor and pass it quickly. Time is of the essence,” Schumer said Tuesday, according to NBC News. 

“Once the House acts, the Senate will move quickly to get the CR done,” he continued. “I encourage my colleagues on both sides to prioritize speedy passage of the CR. If we work together, stay away from poison pills and partisanship, we can avoid a government shutdown.”

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Charlotte Hazard is a reporter for Just the News. 





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