Commentary: Job Program for Americans-No Jobs for Illegal Aliens, Period

Illegal migrants at border

I am weary of hearing the trope that we need more illegal aliens because “Americans won’t work those jobs.” My bet is that most Americans share this sentiment as well.

Amidst a myriad of concerns about illegal immigration, one prominent worry among Americans is the potential adverse effects on the U.S. workforce. There is apprehension that undocumented migrants could potentially displace native-born workers, leading to job loss and further exacerbating the nation’s tax burden. The media and the left love to dismiss such considerations as fearful, xenophobic, and bigoted, arguing instead that alien workers fill a vital gap in the American workforce. But these concerns, nevertheless, are valid.

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Sanctuary States Beg Biden for Aid amid Immigration Crisis

Illegal Immigrants

Seven sanctuary state governors signed onto a letter Monday begging President Joe Biden and Democrat and Republican leaders in the House and Senate for help in dealing with the surge of migrants arriving in their areas of the country.

Governors from the sanctuary states of New York, California, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts and New Mexico joined with the governors of Arizona and Maryland in sending a letter to Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, citing their need for federal support in dealing with the crisis. Meanwhile, negotiations over permanent border security funding are continuing in Congress amid the ongoing surge of illegal immigration, and the governors are asking for more funding as part of the deal that is ultimately made. 

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Biden Admin Working with Chicago to Help Migrants Get Work Permits amid Immigration Crisis

The Biden administration is helping Chicago launch a program to get migrants to work, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

The pilot program will begin Thursday to help the city and state with the strain migrants have been placing on public resources, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The program will serve as “a one-stop-shop to help ease the strain migrants are putting on the city shelter system, Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House spokesperson, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

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