Reporters Describe Findings from Sweeping Expose on Major Trans Health Organization

Two reporters from the Daily Caller News Foundation outlined their findings from a series of reports on the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Wednesday.

DCNF investigative reporter Megan Brock and DCNF culture reporter Kate Anderson obtained footage from WPATH’s September 2022 Global Education Institute (GEI) and over 100 pages of documents, which included some members of the group questioning the organization’s “Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8” (SOC 8). Brock and Anderson discussed the findings on “The Charlie Kirk Show” after guest host Andrew Kolvet played a clip from the footage obtained by the DCNF.

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Mandatory State Training Steers Judges to Question Fitness of Parents Who Don’t Affirm Gender-Confused Kids

Trans youth kids at public assembly

Judges who handle child abuse and neglect cases in California are required to take a training on LGBT issues that pushes them to consider whether parents who object to their child’s preferred pronouns should have custody.

The Judicial Council of California’s “LGBTQ+ Considerations” training, offered twice annually for judges working on juvenile dependency cases, instructs judges on how to handle youth gender identities, advising them to “be aware that LGBTQ youth may be at risk of harm at home, school and in other settings due to biased or uninformed attitudes or conduct by peers/adults,” according to a presentation from June 2023 obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation via a public records request. After citing statistics on mental health problems among LGBT youth and warning judges to stay alert about “physical or emotional abuse” by parents that does not have a “clear reason,” the presentation puts forward three hypothetical scenarios for the judges to sort through.

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