Government of Peru Categorizes Transgender People as ‘Mentally Ill’

Dina Boluarte Peru

On Wednesday, the health ministry of Peru formally announced that all people who identify as “transgender” or “non-binary” will now be classified as “mentally ill.”

As reported by the Daily Caller, President Dina Boluarte signed the decree, which declares that “transsexualism, dual-role transvestism, gender identity disorder in childhood, other gender identity disorders and fetishistic transvestism” will all be considered mental illnesses by the government going forward. As such, Peruvians suffering from these conditions will now be “guaranteed full coverage of medical attention for mental health.”

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Commentary: More Gender Activists than Medical Professionals on WHO Transgender Health Panel

Last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had formed a Guideline Development Group made up of 21 members tasked with writing WHO guidelines on “the health of trans and gender diverse people.”

As a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health, WHO is looked to by most of the world’s nations for leadership on public health policy. Of the world’s 195 countries, 194 are WHO member states, with Taiwan being the lone exception.

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Vatican Approves Allowing Transgender People to Receive Baptism and Become Godparents

On Wednesday, the Vatican released a document declaring that people who believe themselves to be “transgender” will now be allowed to be baptized and be named as godparents, with certain limitations.

As reported by Fox News, the document in question was an official response to a dubia seeking guidance on how to deal with the issue, submitted by Brazilian Bishop Giuseppe Negri of Santo Amaro. The document was signed by Pope Francis himself and promoted by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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Pharma Giant Behind Botox, Breast Implants Bankrolled Doctors Pushing Trans Cosmetic Procedures

Allergan Aesthetics, a pharmaceutical company that produces Botox injections and breast implants, funded doctors who promote cosmetic procedures as particularly beneficial and even medically necessary for transgender people.

Allergan has been quietly funding research that promotes neurotoxin injections and injectable facial fillers, which the company produces under the labels Botox and Juvederm, for transgender people. The company has also paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting and public speaking fees to doctors who are involved in this research, or who offer transgender cosmetic procedures that may involve Allergan products, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

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NBC Claims Voter ID Laws ‘Disproportionately’ Impact Transgender People

NBC News aired a segment on Wednesday claiming, with no evidence, that so-called “transgender people” are “disproportionately” impacted by laws requiring a form of identification in order to vote.

As reported by Fox News, the segment with hosts Joe Fryer and Savannah Sellers claimed that the issue should most affect “Generation Z” voters, with Sellers declaring that “transgender voters are concerned they might be blocked from casting their ballots.”

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