Only One-Third of Generation Z Is ‘Very Proud’ to Live in America

A new survey confirms the ongoing decline in patriotism among younger Americans, with just over one-third of the youngest generation expressing great pride in the fact that they are Americans.

As the Daily Caller reports, the poll by Morning Consult asked Americans about whether or not they would prefer to buy American-made products, even if it meant spending more money than they would for foreign-made goods. Baby Boomers, the current oldest generation, were the most likely to buy “made in America” products.

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Younger Americans Identify as Independent More than Republicans, Democrats Combined

Younger Americans are still less willing to commit to one political party, newly released polling data shows.

Gallup released survey data Thursday showing that Millennials and Gen Z Americans are sticking with the “Independent” label. In fact, more of the surveyed Millennial and Gen Z Americans identify as Independent than as Republican and Democrat combined.

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