Biden Moving Forward with Plan to Cement Asylum Restrictions at U.S.-Mexico Border

CBS News

President Biden’s administration is planning to soon issue a regulation to cement the sweeping asylum restrictions it enacted at the southern border over the summer, two U.S. officials told CBS News, describing changes that would make it far less likely for the strict rules to be lifted in the near future.

In June, Mr. Biden issued a proclamation suspending the entry of most migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. The Department of Homeland Security and Justice Department implemented his directive by enacting a rule that has virtually shut down asylum processing between official border entry points. After the stringent measures took effect, illegal border crossings plunged to a four-year low.

The administration is planning to announce changes to the regulation as early as Monday to implement an amended proclamation, said the U.S. officials, who requested anonymity to discuss internal government plans.











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