Vivek Ramaswamy Demands Answers After Biden Administration Calls Up 3,000 U.S. Reserve Troops to Europe

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy requested more information from the Biden administration regarding its recent announcement of activating 3,000 U.S. troops of the Selected Reserve or Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) in Europe.

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Democrats Lost 26 Points with Hispanic Voters in 2022 Midterm Elections, Says Pew Research Center

The Republican Party saw significant gains during the 2022 midterm elections in large part due to Hispanic voters, according to a new poll released by the Pew Research Center on Wednesday. 

Pew Research Center found that while most Hispanic voters still favor Democratic candidates overall, the Democratic advantage among Latino voters decreased by 26 points, from a 47-point margin in 2018 to 21 points in 2022. 

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Maine Governor Signs Bill Allowing Teenagers to Obtain Cross-Sex Hormones Without Parental Consent

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) signed into law legislation this week that eliminates the requirement of parental consent for 16-17-year-old minors to be provided cross-sex hormones to change their physical appearance to correspond to their gender identity at a given point in time.

L.D. 535, titled an Act Regarding Consent for Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy for Certain Minors, states “a health care professional may provide gender-affirming hormone therapy and follow-up care to a minor without obtaining the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor,” with the requirements being that the minor is at least 16 years old; has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria; has been judged by a healthcare professional to be experiencing “harm” from not obtaining cross-sex hormones; and the minor’s parents do not support the hormone treatment.

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Dozens of House Republicans to Join Group Pushing ‘Climate Solutions’

Twenty-nine House Republicans are joining 29 House Democrats to resurrect the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, E&E News reported Friday.

The caucus will seek to find bipartisan compromise on green energy and climate initiatives, which the Biden administration has committed to spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to facilitate. The bipartisan group is the latest iteration of the Climate Solutions Caucus, which sought to pursue bipartisan climate compromise during the trump administration and counted 90 representatives among its ranks before going effectively dormant after the 2018 midterm elections, according to E&E News.

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Fired Diversity Official Sues College for ‘De-Centering Whiteness’

Silicon Valley community college officials said “White gays and lesbians” were not welcome in its LGBT center, called Jews “White oppressors” and refused repeated requests to address antisemitism, and forced staff to mouth a “land acknowledgment” that misidentified local indigenous tribes, according to a former diversity official.

The First Amendment lawsuit by Tabia Lee builds on allegations she made against De Anza College, Foothill-De Anza Community College District and officials after they declined to renew her contract this spring, which she called retaliation for challenging its “empty ‘antiracism’ gesture[s]” that reinforce racial stereotypes such as the “noble savage” and for acting like “an ‘uppity’ Black woman.”

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Probe Launched into FBI’s Targeting of House Intelligence Committee Staffers

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee formally opened an investigation into claims that the FBI spied on two Republican staffers with the House Intelligence Committee while the “Russian collusion” probe was ongoing.

As reported by Just The News, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray addressing prior reporting by Just The News that the bureau had seized from Google the private email of Kash Patel, who had served as the chief investigator for then-Chairman of the Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

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Nearly 400 Penn State Faculty Protest White Professor’s Lawsuit Against Race-Based Grading

Nearly 400 Pennsylvania State University professors have signed a letter that defends antiracism teaching and administrative practices targeted in a lawsuit objecting to giving black students inflated grades.

The four-paragraph “Letter in Support of Antiracist Faculty at Penn State” denigrates a recent lawsuit filed against the university by Zack De Piero, who taught English at the school’s Abington campus and has since filed a lawsuit that alleges he was discriminated against because of his race. He is white.

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Commentary: Don’t Believe the Leftist Media Narrative About the State of the 2024 Race

To the surprise of no one, the leftist corporate media’s coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been abysmal. Predictably, their reporting is full of omissions, half truths, and wishful thinking. Once again, they only report their preferred narratives, in a desperate attempt to persuade stupid people and gullible news outlets into believing them, including Conservative Inc.

As usual the leftist coastal elites are attempting to shape their perceptions into reality.

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