Anti-Trump PAC ‘Lincoln Project’ Funnels Millions of Donor Dollars to Firms Owned by Insiders

Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson, Trump Event

Roughly one-third of the funds spent by the Lincoln Project, a PAC founded by ex-Republican political consultants with the aim of stopping former President Donald Trump, this election cycle has gone to firms controlled by its senior operatives, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

The Lincoln Project has spent $12.8 million since January 2023, and just over $4 million of that has gone to firms owned by members of its leadership, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of FEC records. Fox Business in 2021 reported that more than half of the $90 million the Lincoln Project had raised for the 2020 election was paid out to firms owned by leaders.

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Commentary: The Evolving Style Sheets of Big Media Institutionalize Political Bias

Many publications provide their writers with “style sheets,” a list of dos and don’ts with respect to things like diction, punctuation, grammar, and linguistic etiquette. My personal list of “dos” includes the Oxford comma (apples, oranges, and pears: that last comma is requisite) and, in most cases, using the singular masculine pronoun after collective nouns like “everyone” and “someone” (e.g., “Everyone likes to have his [not ‘their’] own way”).

Style sheet prescriptions (and proscriptions) can be more elaborate, and can affect substantive as well as stylistic matters. Over the last year or so, I have noticed an innovation, at once stylistic and substantive, that has taken root throughout the regime media. It is this: whenever referring to Donald Trump and the 2020 presidential election, be sure to insert editorial comments to the effect that any concerns about the fairness of that election are “baseless” or the result of “lies.”

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Wyoming GOP Votes to No Longer Recognize Liz Cheney as a Republican

On Saturday, a meeting of the Wyoming Republican Party led to the passage of a resolution expelling Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) from the party and no longer recognizing her as a member, as reported by CNN.

The resolution was passed by the Wyoming GOP Central Committee, by a vote of 31 to 29. Although the measure does not actually wield any direct power over Cheney, it marks the latest symbolic blow to the incumbent representative as a result of her frequent anti-Trump statements, which have all but eroded her popular support in her own state.

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