Transportation Department Awards Noncompetitive Contracts ‘Counter to Federal Procurement Rules,’ Inspector General Says

Just the News’ Golden Horseshoe is awarded this week to the Department of Transportation for  awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in IT contracts that lacked adequate documentation or proper justification and were extended without oversight, according to a new DOT Inspector General audit.

“Counter to Federal procurement requirements, DOT’s contracting officers (CO) awarded multiple noncompetitive actions to ITSS [IT shared services] contract vehicles without proper justifications, beyond contract term limits, and despite prolonged contractor performance issues,” the audit summary read.

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America First Legal Sues 14 Federal Agencies for Not Disclosing the Biden Regime’s Election Administration Takeover

The America First Legal Foundation (AFL) has sued fourteen federal agencies for concealing a secretive Biden regime plan to take over election administration ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

In March of 2021, Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting,” which called for all 600 federal agencies to submit to a “Strategic Plan” to “expand access to voter registration and election information.”

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GOP Won Legal Curbs on 2020 Election Issues, but Slow to Answer Plan to Tilt 2022 Playing Field

In response to Republican legal challenges, courts have curbed some of the worst usurpations of state legislative authority over elections in 2020, says conservative election watchdog Phill Kline, but the right, he cautions, has failed to anticipate and counter a reconfigured alliance of the federal government, Big Tech and Democrat-friendly nonprofits to microtarget and turn out Democrat voters in 2022.

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In Nevada, Trump Makes Clarion Call to End ‘Growing Tyranny’ of Censorship

Former President Donald Trump urged Republicans to fight creeping censorship, saying efforts to silence dissent and deploy law enforcement against opponents were pushing America to a “tipping point.”

At a rally Saturday night in Minden, Nevada, Trump urged Republicans to turn out in November in large numbers and support the GOP slate that includes Senate nominee Adam Laxalt and gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo. Both are leading in the latest polls.

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Biden Turns to Communist Dictatorship for Oil After OPEC Slashes Production

The Biden administration proposed a deal that will ease sanctions on Venezuela, allowing Chevron to pump oil in the country after the consortium agreed to its largest production cut since the COVID-19 pandemic, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The U.S. will unfreeze hundreds of millions of dollars of Venezuelan state funds held up in American banks and in exchange, the country will allow Chevron to produce oil on its lands, according to the WSJ, which cited sources familiar with the deal. The proposal comes after OPEC agreed earlier on Wednesday to cut oil production by two million barrels a day, a decision the White House called “shortsighted,” according to a statement.

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Commentary: Liberal Media Brazenly Spin Rising Violent Crime as Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Violent crime remains intolerably high, but the left wants you to think that perception is just a concoction of right-wing media.

After more than a decade of violent crime decreases with just a few interludes, crime has shot back up to levels not seen since the early 1990s.

When the left acknowledges this fact, it often does so by tying the violent crime increase to the sale of guns. However, there’s no evidence that the additional crimes are being committed by law-abiding gun owners. 

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Pennsylvania Progressives Propose Forcing Landlords to Accept Housing Vouchers

Two liberal Pennsylvania lawmakers on Friday proposed a law to force all landlords to accept housing vouchers.

In a memorandum describing their legislation, state Senators Katie Muth (D-Royersford) and Carolyn Comitta (D-West Chester) insisted that America’s current “public housing crisis” demands such a measure. They cited data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition indicating that a Pennsylvanian earning the state’s minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in 2022 would need to work 94 hours weekly to pay for a one-bedroom rental or 115 hours to afford a two-bedroom apartment. A resident working 40 hours a week would, they asserted, need to earn $20.90 hourly (almost three times the state minimum wage) to pay for a typical two-bedroom apartment. 

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Watchdog Files Lawsuits in Minnesota over Voter Registration Duplicates, Finds Millions Lacking Required ID

With midterm elections a month away, an election integrity watchdog has filed multiple lawsuits in Minnesota over duplicate registered voters while also finding millions of voter registrations in New York missing personal identifying information.

Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative election law nonprofit, filed six lawsuits in Minnesota counties over 515 duplicate registrants. The lawsuits were filed in Nicollet, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Todd and Ramsey counties.

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Commentary: Cake Maker Jack Phillips Is STILL in Court

Jack Phillips

The endless travails of the Colorado Christian baker Jack Phillips are a measure of America’s pathetic descent into coercive secularism. Phillips has spent at least a decade in court, beating back the ludicrous claims of ACLU-style militants who can’t rest until everyone has been dragooned into the LGBTQ revolution. Phillips was at first persecuted for declining trolling customer demands that he design cakes for gay nuptials. He survived that assault, but now faces fallout from the transgender lobby’s mau-mauing of his business. In 2017, a man pretending to be a woman sued him for not designing birthday cakes in honor of “gender transitions” — an obvious nuisance suit that the state of Colorado and activist judges have humored. Phillips is back in court fighting it.

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REVIEW: ‘You Say You Want a Revolution?’ Is a Comprehensive Assessment of the Groups and Ideologies Destroying America

Our great nation and its traditions, values, and institutions continue to be attacked from within. We live in a perilous time. A revolution isn’t coming – it’s already here. The all-out assault by the progressive elites has shattered major parts of American culture – chief among them, the rule of law. We are in the midst of a life and death struggle.

While the radical Left has captured virtually all major institutions, the final outcome is still in doubt. It is imperative that we have clear insights into the true nature of the conflict and identities, tactics, and ideologies of the organized groups and forces that mean to destroy America. James Pastor’s book helps provide these insights with a comprehensive summary and analysis of the current crisis.

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Commentary: The Trans Movement’s New Trotskyist

The Stonewall Riots of 1969 saw New York City police officers lose control of their attempt to shut down the mafia-run Stonewall Inn, inadvertently ushering in an era of gay actvisim. Today, those early leaders of the gay rights movement might be better off leaving street activism to the next generation, but Fred Sargeant must have missed that memo.

Last month, Sergeant was assaulted at a pride march by radical trans activists and sent to the ER. His thought crime was simply holding a sign that read, “gay, not queer,”and criticizing the march’s sponsor for claiming that the word gay, “erased the breadth of sexual orientations and gender identities within the LGBTQ+ umbrella.” Sargeant’s “outdated” views got him on the receiving end of the trans mob’s wrath. 

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Poll: Most Voters Oppose Efforts to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles

A new poll conducted by the Convention of States and the Trafalgar Group found that an overwhelming plurality of voters do not support measures to ban gas-powered vehicles, even though Joe Biden has voiced his support for such laws.

As reported by The Daily Caller, the poll was conducted between September 17 and 20, with a sample size of 1,079 likely voters in the upcoming midterm elections. The poll asked its respondents the question of “What do you believe is most likely to provide America with reliable, long-term energy independence?”

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PayPal Reverses Course, Withdraws Policy That Would Have Fined Users for ‘Misinformation’

PayPal outside shot of logo

In a censorship experiment gone awry, PayPal reversed course Saturday night and said it was withdrawing a new policy that would have allowed the company to fine users $2,500 if they spread “misinformation.”

The company sent a statement to the National Review saying the Acceptable Use Policy had been sent out mistakenly,

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Commentary: Yet Again, New York Is Sticking It to Religious Schools

New York education bureaucrats are rapidly and gleefully ditching standards for what children in public schools should learn. Why then are they increasing their imposition on private yeshivas?  

The State Board of Regents has finalized new regulatory oversight of yeshivas, and the standards by which these and other private schools can demonstrate that their education is “substantially equivalent” to what is offered in government-run schools.

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CDC Allocates $85 Million for Grants Requiring Schools to Start Student-Led Clubs Supporting LGBT Youth

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spent $85 million on a grant program requiring public schools to start Gay-Straight Alliances, public documents show. 

According to a notice of funding report for a grant offered by the CDC, the federal agency has a total of $85 million to spend over a five year period from 2018-2023 with a twelve month budget period. 

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