Commentary: The Media’s Propaganda Polls Deceptively Favor Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Kamala’s “surging” poll numbers are a lot of hot air.

A close analysis of the data shows that Donald Trump continues to maintain a dominant position in this election. After factoring in the systematic pro-Democrat bias in polling data, Trump comes out decisively in the lead. As it stands now, Trump will likely win every swing state and the national popular vote.

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Commentary: Biden’s Sliding Poll Numbers

Joe Biden Miguel Cardona

President Biden’s sliding poll numbers have set off alarm signals among Democrats who are beginning to see that he might lose the 2024 election to Donald Trump. Those polls have also gotten the attention of pundits who have confidently said for three years now that Trump could never again win a national election. The polling results published over the past few months suggest otherwise: Trump is currently the favorite to win next year’s election.

The most recent RealClearPolitics Average has Trump leading Biden by 2.6 percentage points, a switch of about four points since late summer when Biden led 45%-43%, and in a long-running decline of seven points for Biden since he won the 2020 election with 51% percent of the popular vote.

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Commentary: Trump’s Indictments Are Helping His Poll Numbers

Don’t look now, but former President Donald Trump has opened up a massive lead among independents against President Joe Biden, 43 percent to 32 percent, in the latest Economist-YouGov poll take Aug. 26 to Aug. 29, following the four indictments against him by New York City prosecutors, Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County, Ga. prosecutors.

That’s an improvement from Aug. 12 to Aug. 15 when Trump led among independents 32 percent to 25 percent in the Economist-YouGov poll.

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Newt Gingrich Commentary: Biden’s Shameful Blame Game

Joe Biden, suffering from abysmal poll numbers, is trying to blame others for the results of his failed policies, which have most notably resulted in skyrocketing inflation and energy costs. In a White House speech on Tuesday, Biden attempted to regain the confidence of angry Americans.

It didn’t go well.

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