Kamala Harris’ Direct Connection to Bidenflation: a Tie-Breaking Senate Vote for Stimulus Package

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate for the first COVID-19 stimulus package in 2021 which led to inflation, in what critics call a sign of what’s to come in a possible Harris administration.

Harris, who is the President of the Senate, has cast the most tie-breaking votes in the Senate of any vice president, a total of 33 thus far. Her second tie-breaker was for the stimulus package at the beginning of the Biden administration, which has significantly impacted the economy, as inflation has skyrocketed.

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Commentary: President Biden – A Single Point of Failure for America

Joe Biden

On Sunday, President Joe Biden made the appropriate decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race amid pressure and a soft coup attempt from Democrats. While dropping out, Biden, our sitting commander-in-chief, hid in Delaware for almost a week without being seen by the American people, prompting “proof of life” demands. Unfortunately, this past week is not the first time this has happened before – Joe Biden has been missing in action for the last four years as our country has been falling apart around him.

As a retired Navy SEAL and former Marine, I’ve had the honor and duty of serving this country in some of the most challenging and dangerous situations imaginable. Our missions demanded precision, adaptability, and unwavering leadership. Any failure, any gap in our planning or execution, could cost lives. That’s why it is deeply troubling to see the current state of leadership under President Biden, who has become a “single point of failure” as our commander-in-chief. His weakness continues to put America in grave danger as our enemies seek to capitalize from America’s missing leader.

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McCormick Campaign Confirms Viral Ad Featuring Casey, Harris will Air During Olympics

Bob Casey and Kamala Harris

The campaign for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick announced on Friday its new ad, which features Senator Bob Casey praise Vice President Kamala Harris, will run on television in Pennsylvania during the Olympic Games in Paris.

The campaign confirmed in a statement, “the 60 second viral ad tying Bob Casey to Kamala Harris’s dangerously liberal policies this Monday during the Olympics in the Scranton-Wilkes Barre and Pittsburgh markets.”

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Commentary: Racism and Sexism Are the Campaign Theme of the Harris-Whoever Ticket

Kamala Harris Speaking

Is Kamala Harris the quintessential DEI hire? It’s a legitimate question, given that Joe Biden made it clear during his 2020 election-year campaign that he would only consider a black woman for his VP slot. As president, he also claimed that the choice of Supreme Court Justice replacement for Stephen Breyer would be limited to a black woman. Not even the most qualified black woman, just someone possessing dark skin and lady parts.

Biden could have simply told the country that he was going to choose the most qualified person for either position. Instead, he said that his choice was going to be based primarily on skin color and gender.

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Pennsylvania Teachers Union Illegally Sent Nearly $1.5 Million to Possible Democrat VP Josh Shapiro, Complaints Claim

Josh Shapiro

Three complaints filed on Wednesday by the Freedom Foundation allege almost $1.5 million in Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) money, raised from teachers’ union dues, was given to the 2022 political campaign of Governor Josh Shapiro.

The Freedom Foundation revealed on Thursday it filed complaints which allege PSEA made two contributions, totaling about $1.475 million, that were then transferred through an outside organization before reaching the Shapiro for Pennsylvania campaign committee.

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Commentary: Obama Decided Biden’s Fate, and Democratic Elite Got Their Way

Obama, Biden, and Harris

Obama elevated Biden to presidential prominence; only he could remove Biden from it. Biden’s leftward policies had created a political deficit that his June 27 debate performance proved he could not communicate his way out of. Democrat elite’s efforts to prod Biden off the ticket had not succeeded. With time running short, push came to shove, but to succeed, that shove could not come from them alone.

Despite Biden having spent more terms in the Senate (six) than Obama spent years (four), the latter raised the former to presidential level by making him his vice president. Exact opposites in every respect, Obama had finally done for Biden what Biden couldn’t do for himself in two short-lived, ill-fated presidential runs (1988 and 2008).

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Trump Leads Harris in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan but Ties in Wisconsin, Poll Claims

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

A poll released Thursday and conducted after President Joe Biden dropped his bid for reelection shows former President Donald Trump leading Vice President Kamala Harris in the battleground states Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan, while the former president is tied with the vice president in Wisconsin.

The New Emerson College pollsters found Trump enjoys his greatest lead in Arizona, where they determined 49 percent of voters support him while just 44 percent back Harris.

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New American Greatness Poll Shows Trump Winning Pennsylvania

Donald J. Trump

Brand new battleground polling reveals Trump leading a tight race in the battleground state of Pennsylvania over Kamala Harris. In the survey of 600 likely voters, using a sample that reported as +2 percent for Biden in 2020, Trump is now +2 percent for a 47-45 percent lead.

The survey was conducted both before and after the Biden withdrawal announcement, with one-quarter of the weighted respondent interviews occurring before Biden dropped out.

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Left-Wing Media Scrambles to Distance Kamala Harris from ‘Border Czar’ Title

As Vice President Kamala Harris has become the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president, the left-wing media has scrambled to erase her title as President Joe Biden’s “Border Czar.”

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Kamala Harris Once Ran Jobs Program That Kept Criminal Illegal Migrants Out of Prison

As the district attorney for San Francisco, Kamala Harris ran a city program that kept criminal illegal immigrants out of prison by training them for jobs they could not legally have.

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Dave McCormick Campaign Declares Kamala Harris ‘Most Liberal Presidential Nominee’ in History as Sen. Bob Casey Offers Endorsement

Kamala Harris and Bob Casey

The political campaign of Republican U.S. Senate nominee Dave McCormick branded Vice President Kamala Harris the “most liberal presidential nominee” in the country’s history on Monday following the endorsement Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) offered her after President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid.

Casey endorsed Harris in a Sunday statement posted to social media, shortly after Biden’s decision to withdraw, declaring the vice president is “prepared” to serve and “the best person to meet this moment.”

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Trump Campaign Files FEC Complaint to Stop Biden’s $91 Million War Chest from Going to Kamala Harris

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in a courtroom (composite image)

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint Tuesday alleging President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ are in violation of campaign finance laws after transferring $91.5 million to Harris’ campaign.

The complaint, which was first reported by The New York Times, was filed by Trump’s campaign’s general counsel, David Warrington and comes after Harris announced her confirmation of delegates to be the Democrat’s new presumptive presidential nominee.

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Black Lives Matter Demands DNC Host Immediate Primary to Protest ‘Anointing’ of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Black Lives Matter (BLM) urged the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to organize a nationwide virtual primary on Tuesday after Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly secured enough delegates for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Harris claimed early Tuesday morning that she had obtained enough support from DNC delegates to be voted the party’s presidential nominee, following President Joe Biden stepping down from the race and endorsing Harris. BLM, which exploded in prominence following the death of George Floyd in 2020, said in a statement that while President Joe Biden wasn’t their top choice as a candidate, they cannot overlook the concerning actions taken by the Democratic Party in not holding a new primary election after the president dropped out of the race.

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Commentary: The Top Three Vulnerabilities of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Now that the will of primary voters has been discarded and President Joe Biden has been pressured out of the race by the oligarchs and powerbrokers of the Democrat Party, what are the most potent lanes of valid criticism that could make an already deeply unpopular candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris, even less palatable to sensible Americans?

The three most important vulnerabilities of this radical and untested career politician are listed below.

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President Biden Says He Left Presidential Race for the Sake of Democracy

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday about his decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that the sake of democracy is why he has decided to not run for reelection.

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Harris Promoted Paper Ballots Before 2020 Election, but Democrats Now Push Back on Election Integrity

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris promoted using paper ballots for elections the last time she was a presidential candidate, but since then, Democrats and the Biden administration have largely pushed back against election integrity laws that Republicans have promoted.

Five years ago, Harris was part of a bipartisan effort to encourage the use of paper ballots. However, since the 2020 presidential election, Democrats have called Republicans “election deniers” for promoting such election integrity measures, and the Biden administration is focusing on suing states with election integrity laws.

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When Kamala Harris was Put in Charge in Past Jobs, Scandal, and Failure Often Followed

Kamala Harris

Before she was Joe Biden’s understudy the last four years, Kamala Harris ran offices as a California prosecutor and senator. Often, scandal and failings followed in her wake.

As California Attorney General, Harris was widely criticized for failing to take on prosecutorial misconduct. In fact her office was “called out” by judges for “defending convictions obtained by local prosecutors” who had inserted false confessions, lied under oath, and withheld evidence. A federal appeals judge even admonished officials in 2015 to talk to Harris “and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation” involving prosecutorial misconduct.

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Kamala Harris Reportedly Considers Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Arizona U.S. Senator Mark Kelly for Vice President

Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly

Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly considering either Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro or U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) of Arizona to serve as the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, a Monday report revealed.

After Harris claimed to obtain the support of the required the number of delegates to be declared the party’s nominee, ABC News reported on Tuesday that Kelly and Shapiro are already the “leading VP candidates” under consideration.

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Battleground States Absent Hurdles to Place Harris on Ballot

Kamala Harris

Election laws in all seven battleground states will allow Democrats to place onto ballots the name of Vice President Kamala Harris, or another candidate if one materializes.

As President Joe Biden’s supporters rally around Harris to take his spot as the party nominee, Republicans are planning legal challenges. Biden announced his decision via social media Sunday afternoon, with one month until the Aug. 19-22 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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VP Rumors Swirl Around Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro After Biden Withdrawal

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro

Rumors swirled Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris may select Pennsylvania’s governor as her running mate.

The news comes as Gov. Josh Shapiro himself encouraged Pennsylvania Democrats to unite behind her, just hours after President Joe Biden stepped down from his campaign.

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Before Running for the Oval Office, Kamala Harris Co-Sponsored a Green New Deal

Kamala Harris

by Nick Pope   Vice President Kamala Harris, seemingly first in line to run as the Democratic nominee for president now that President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race, may be even more aligned with the environmental left than Biden, her record and past comments indicate. Harris,…

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Commentary: If Biden Is Not Fit to Run, Then He Is Not Fit to Serve

Why is Joe Biden still the President?

After dropping out of the 2024 presidential race and ceding the Democratic Party nomination and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President, but in staying in office to serve out his term, the American people have a right to know why this decision was reached.

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Democratic Convention Expert Says There’s ‘No Time’ for Another Candidate to Usurp Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Democratic National Committee member Elaine Kamarck said on Monday there’s “no time” ahead of the party’s August convention for another candidate to become the nominee after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden announced Sunday that he was withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race following calls from allies within his party to step aside after his disastrous June debate against former President Donald Trump. Kamarck said on “CNN News Central” that Harris’ likely advantage with Biden’s delegates and the lack of time in the race make it so the chances of another candidate becoming the nominee are exceedingly “small.”

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Commentary: Trump Supporters Must Avoid Overconfidence

Trump with Supporters

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has led his supporters and some, though not all, of his opponents to acquire a greater perspective on the most important things in life. It has also led his supporters to a broader recognition what is not necessarily important in the present campaign. This is a healthy development for the Republican Party and the Make America Great Again movement. Mr. Trump continues to lead and is, again, its presidential standard bearer. Yet, if not properly channeled, the ensuing enthusiasm can engender overconfidence among the campaign and its supporters.

The temptation to feel overconfident is all too human. For quite some time, Mr. Trump had been being persecuted as someone beneath the law by the left’s noxious lawfare cabal and was deemed a threat to democracy to be eliminated by Democrats and their mockingbird media. Following the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump’s life, his supporters and all decent people offered an outpouring of gratitude that his life had been spared. Having witnessed the twist of fate that allowed a turn of Mr. Trump’s head to save him and allow his life and candidacy to continue, two potentially contentious GOP political events possessed far less potential to ignite divisive intraparty arguments.

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Vast Majority of Democrats Would Accept Harris If Biden Bowed Out: Poll

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Democrats would overwhelmingly support Vice President Kamala Harris as nominee if President Joe Biden drops out of the race, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released Thursday.

Despite her dismal approval ratings among all voters, 79 percent of Democrats said they would support Harris as the party’s nominee if Biden withdrew from the race, according to the poll. However, less than a third of Democratic voters believe Harris would be more likely than Biden to defeat former President Donald Trump in the November election.

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Warning Signs About Secret Service Emerged Months Before Trump Assassination Attempt

Secret Service

Driving Vice President-elect Kamala Harris by an undetected bomb. Refusing extra resources for a presidential candidate. Admitting an agent on a White House detail assaulted her supervisor.

Long before the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday night such focused a harsh light on the Secret Service, the presidential security agency was already facing difficult questions about its capability, training, recruitment and emphasis on diversity.

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Prominent Pollster Says Kamala Harris Is ‘Mediocre at Best’ and Would ‘Probably Lose’ to Trump

Pollster Nate Silver described Vice President Kamala Harris as “mediocre at best” and said former President Donald Trump would likely defeat her in the upcoming presidential election if she replaces President Joe Biden during a podcast posted to YouTube on Wednesday.

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Commentary: Americans Want to Know Who Is Really in Charge in the White House

Presidential Podium

In last Thursday’s presidential debate, we saw the most decisive loss ever by an incumbent American president. Biden’s performance was so abysmal that it raises serious questions about how he can continue to function as president, especially in his role as commander-in-chief.

Donald Trump dominated the debate, making important new criticisms that Biden failed to answer—especially how the surge in illegal immigration during the Biden presidency is hurting social security. Trump put Biden on the defensive, parried tough questions, and pointed out how many of Biden’s statements were incoherent.

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Trump Plays It Cool While Democrats, Media Turn on Biden

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has remained largely silent following his June 27 debate in which President Biden gave a halting performance – instead allowing fellow Democrats and the media to criticize or raise questions about Biden’s age and mental acuity. 

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Bid to Boot President Faces Thin Bench of Replacements

Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris

As Democratic heavyweights mull swapping out President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee in the wake of a dismal debate performance that showed even the truest believers the mental state of the President, they find their efforts stunted due to one significant issue: the selection of an alternative.

Among the most likely selections are Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif. While Harris’s position might seem to position her as Biden’s natural successor, Newsom has long attracted speculation about his own presidential ambitions and even debated then-Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis late last year.

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Commentary: Democrats’ Convention Rules Actually Give Delegates Some Leeway

Joe Biden Speaking

President Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night has brought talk of replacing him on the Democratic presidential ticket out into the open. Most have focused on Biden voluntarily withdrawing from the race. There is, however, another solution that is being ignored by party leaders. They can simply decide to nominate a different candidate.

I know this sounds strange, since the 4,696 delegates who will attend the convention, and particularly most of the 3,949 who are pledged to vote for Biden, have likely already booked their hotel rooms in Chicago. The dirty little secret about the Democratic Party, as Bernie Sanders’ supporters learned in 2016, is that the rules governing their conventions are entirely “democratic.” Sanders’ problem was with the so-called “superdelegates,” who attend the Democratic National Convention by virtue of their leadership position in the party. The disconnect between voters and delegates, however, potentially also extends to the rest of the delegates.

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Kamala Harris Is Floated as a Biden Replacement, but Her Past May Weigh Down Her Candidacy

Kamala Harris

President Joe Biden’s debate performance raised so many concerns about his cognitive state and advanced age that more and more Democrats are mulling replacing him as their 2024 presidential nominee. But, the president’s most likely replacement—Kamala Harris—has a political past that may give voters pause.

As the current vice president and favorite to replace Biden because of her many institutional advantages, Harris is a known entity and likely the most vetted of the potential replacement nominees. But her rapid rise through the notorious San Francisco political machine was bound to leave some marks on her record, especially on issues that are important to Democratic voters.

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Leaked Post-Debate Poll Claims Biden Tied in Virginia, Down 7 in Pennsylvania as Nearly Half of 2020 Voters Want Him Replaced

A leaked memo published on Tuesday claims internal polling data shows President Joe Biden was down by more than 7 percent in Pennsylvania, and at risk of losing Virginia and other swing states, following his poor debate performance against former President Donald Trump last week.

The memo, which claims to contain the contents of a poll completed within 72-hours of the presidential debate, was leaked to Puck News, which reported it was distributed by OpenLabs, a progressive nonprofit that conducts “polling and message-testing” for Democratic groups including a nonprofit associated with “the preferred Super PAC for Biden’s reelection campaign.”

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White House Press Secretary: Biden Is ‘Moving Forward’ with His Campaign

Joe Biden Wisconsin

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday that President Biden is “moving forward” with his presidential campaign amid the fallout from his debate performance against GOP challenger Donald Trump.

“Anything else that’s being reported is absolutely false,” she said at a White House press briefing.

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Cracks Widen in Democratic Support of Biden as Debate Rages over Fitness for Office

Joe Biden

Cracks in the previously widespread Democratic support for President Joe Biden have begun widening recently over concerns about the president’s fitness for office following his showing at the first debate.

Democrats were spooked last week after Biden participated in a presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. The president’s performance in the debate has been described as a crisis by some commentators, and some insiders suggested the party should consider replacing Biden with a different candidate.

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