Commentary: Immunity for Me but Not for Thee

Former President Donald Trump

“Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office?” That is the question the Supreme Court will answer when it hears oral argument in Trump v. U.S. on April 25, 2024.

Legacy media and the ladies of “The View” nearly lost their collective minds when the Court agreed to hear Trump’s appeal of the D.C. Circuit’s decision denying him immunity for his actions surrounding the events of Jan. 6, 2021. However, even Jack Smith, the Special Counsel prosecuting the case, argued that it was of “imperative public importance” that the Court resolve the immunity question before trial.

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Commentary: Voters Be Beware That Google Interferes in U.S. Elections

Person searching Google on their laptop

A brand new investigation has found that Google interfered in American elections at least 41 times over the last 16 years.

Published on March 18, the Media Research Center Special Report traced election interference efforts by the world’s most popular search engine all the way back to the 2008 election of former President Barack Obama.

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Biden Defends His Mental Fitness After DOJ Report Calls Him ‘Elderly Man with Poor Memory’

Biden Speaking

A visibly upset President Joe Biden addressed the nation late Thursday to respond to news that the special counsel tasked with investigating his handling of classified documents had chosen not to charge him, but also detailed numerous examples of his memory loss.

The blockbuster special counsel report, while clearing Biden, sparked questions about Biden’s mental fitness when it called him an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Biden is 81 years old.

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The Number of Illegal Immigrants in Colleges Soar to Nearly 2 Percent of United States’ Population, Study Finds

At least 408,000 students without legal documentation to be in the country enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities, yet another system impacted by the surge in illegal immigration, according to a new study.

The new report by the American Immigration Council and the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education, found that undocumented migrants now account for nearly 2 percent of the higher education population.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: Illegal Immigration and Western Spiritual Sickness

The usual suspects have weighed in on recent belated efforts to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

Our now bankrupt media, the corrupt government of Mexico, and the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion apparat have damned a series of laws recently passed by the Florida legislature and signed by Governor Ron DeSantis that enforce existing federal immigration laws.

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Commentary: Mr. President, the Debt Ceiling and Spending Cuts Were Linked in 2011 and 1996

“You just can’t. No one’s ever tied them together before.”

That was President Joe Biden on MSNBC on May 6, claiming that Congress has never increased the debt ceiling in exchange for budget, spending and regulatory changes.

There’s only one problem. It’s completely false.

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Analysis: The Border Is Less Secure Than Ever, and the Implications Are Deadly

During a recent hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee, Congressman Dan Bishop (R–NC) asked Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas, “Do you continue to maintain that the border is secure?” Mayorkas replied, “Yes, and we are working day in and day out to enhance its security.”

Contradicting that claim, objective measures show that the border is less secure than ever, and the situation is putting many thousands of lives at risk.

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Obama, Clinton District Court Judges Appointed Magistrate Judge Who Signed Mar-a-Lago Raid Warrant

Judge Bruce Reinhart, who on August 5 signed off on an unprecedented search warrant for the Mar-a-Lago home of former President Donald Trump, was appointed by a gaggle of left-wing judges. 

Federal District Court Judges, in this case Judges in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, appoint magistrate judges who handle tasks assigned to them by the District Court judges. 

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