Commentary: Republicans Should Not Panic About Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

Let’s talk about President Trump and the event he did with the black journalists’ conference Wednesday and the flack that he’s getting now.

First of all, he showed up. Kamala Harris didn’t show up. He showed up and he got ambushed immediately. He knew that was going to happen and he pushed back.

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‘Confidence, Strength, and Hope’: Trump Calls for Unity, Vows American Renewal in RNC Speech

Former President Donald Trump on Thursday used his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention to issue a call for unity in wake of an assassination attempt against him over the weekend, which he described in detail.

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Republican Party Files to Intervene in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Case over Curing of Votes with No Security Sleeve

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and Republican Party of Pennsylvania (PAGOP) have filed to intervene in a Butler County lawsuit brought by two voters who want to enable the curing of mail-in ballots returned to election officials without a security sleeve.

The lawsuit was brought by two Pennsylvania voters who submitted mail-in ballots without the required security sleeve. According to their lawsuit, the voters apparently later sought to cure their ballots, but were instead allowed to cast provisional ballots that were ultimately not counted. They filed suit against the Butler County Board of Elections on April 29.

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RNC Sues Michigan Secretary of State Benson over Voter Roll Maintenance

Jocelyn Benson

The Republican National Committee on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for allegedly not maintaining the state’s voter rolls as required by federal law. 

“Election integrity starts with clean voter rolls, and that’s why the National Voter Registration Act requires state officials to keep their rolls accurate and up-to-date,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said “Jocelyn Benson has failed to follow the NVRA, leaving Michigan with inflated and inaccurate voter rolls ahead of the 2024 election.”

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Lara Trump Officially Launches Bid for RNC Co-Chair

Lara Trump

Lara Trump, former President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, launched her bid for co-chair of the Republican National Committee one day after current RNC chair Ronna McDaniel said she would resign from her position after Super Tuesday.

“I promise you that I will be laser-focused on election integrity, voter turn out, and ensuring every dollar spent goes towards winning!” Lara Trump said Wednesday on X, formerly Twitter, in an announcement about her candidacy. 

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Trump Defeats Haley in South Carolina, Steamrolling Toward Nomination and Fall Rematch with Biden

Former President Donald Trump humiliated Nikki Haley in her home state Saturday night, scoring a convincing win in the South Carolina GOP primary that opens the door for him to focus full time on a fall rematch with Joe Biden.

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‘There’ll Probably Be Some Changes’: Trump Hints at RNC Shake-Up When Asked About McDaniel

Former President Donald Trump suggested in an interview Sunday that “some changes” could be coming to the Republican National Committee when asked about Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s performance.

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Stephen K. Bannon and John Fredericks Call for Ronna Romney McDaniel to Resign as RNC Chair

WarRoom host Stephen K. Bannon made an appearance on The John Fredericks Show Tuesday morning, where he joined Fredericks in calling on former President Donald Trump to demand the immediate resignation of Republican National Committee Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel.

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Haley on Defense as DeSantis, Vivek Take Turns Throwing Bombs

The fourth Republican presidential primary debate saw former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley play defense in the face of relentless attacks from Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis and tech executive Vivek Ramaswamy.

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Longshot GOP Candidate Doug Burgum Suspends Presidential Campaign

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announced Monday that he is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign.

Burgum jumped in the growing GOP primary field in early June and has spent his campaign largely focused on the economy, energy and national security. The governor criticized the Republican National Committee’s (RNC’s) upped debate requirements, which left Burgum off the last debate stage, during his announcement, accusing them of “nationalizing the primary system,” according to a press release.

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DeSantis, Haley Bring in Big Money After Third GOP Primary Debate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley both brought in over $1 million in the first 24 hours following the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) third GOP primary debate on Wednesday, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed Friday.

Haley’s fundraising haul marks the campaign’s best single day of small-dollar donations after she and DeSantis sparred over foreign policy, energy and other issues on stage in Miami, Florida, according to the former ambassador’s team. DeSantis and Haley maintain either the second- or third-place lane in most national and key early state surveys as they vie to take on former President Donald Trump, who’s leading the crowded field of GOP hopefuls by roughly 44 points.

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Vivek Ramaswamy: ‘My Ideas Are a Threat to the GOP Establishment and That’s Why They’re Trying to Silence Me’

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy released a video message Tuesday in response to the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) threat to expel him from the next debate in Miami if he were to participate in an hour-long debate on Fox News against fellow Republican candidate Chris Christie.

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Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie Slam the RNC After the Organization Threatened to the Candidates for Engaging in Separate Debates

GOP presidential candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie have spoken out against the Republican National Committee (RNC) after it was reported the group threatened to expel the candidates from participating in future RNC-organized debates.

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New GOP Requirements for Second Debate Spells Bad News for 2024 Republican Longshots

The Republican National Committee’s (RNC) new criteria for the second presidential primary debate in September will likely decrease the 2024 longshot candidates’ chances at making the stage.

For the first GOP presidential debate on Aug. 23 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the RNC is requiring that contenders surpass a 40,000 unique donor threshold, meet polling criteria and sign a loyalty pledge to support the eventual nominee. The RNC is increasing the donor and polling criteria for the Sept. 27 debate in Simi Valley, California, which could significantly narrow the field as many have already struggled to meet the first debate requirements, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed with a person familiar with the plans.

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GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Makes the Cut for the GOP Debates

Republican presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy has risen in the polls to a top 5 candidate. Now the Ohio businessman and political outsider has secured a spot on the Republican National Committee debate stage.

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RNC Sets Rules for August Debate in Milwaukee

The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced Friday that the first Republican presidential primary debate will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 23. In order to participate in the August debate, candidates have to meet a list of criteria set by the RNC based on candidate status, polling, fundraising, and candidate pledging.

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Commentary: Take GOP Debates Away from the Mainstream Media

Tucker Carlson reportedly wants to host his own GOP presidential debate. The idea struck a chord with many people. It would be must-see TV for the most popular commentator on the Right to grill presidential hopefuls before a national audience. Republican voters would also prefer if those asking the candidates questions were not liberal reporters.

With Carlson now visible primarily on Twitter, it looks like he will have the opportunity to host the debate on the social media giant. According to the Washington Post, “Carlson wants to moderate his own GOP candidate forum, outside of the usual strictures of the Republican National Committee debate system.”

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Republican National Committee Criticizes President’s Biden Weekend Trip to Delaware amid East Palestine Train Derailment Disaster

President Joe Biden departed the White House Friday en route to Delaware for the 66th time since taking office this weekend, which drew criticism from the Republican National Committee (RNC). According to the RNC, Biden has spent approximately 40 percent of his presidency “on vacation,” with this weekend marking his 306th, 307th, and 308th total vacation days. Of that 40 percent, the RNC noted that Biden has spent 55 of 110 weekends in Delaware.

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DeSantis Backs Harmeet Dhillon in RNC Race

Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis endorsed former Trump campaign attorney Harmeet Dhillon in her challenge to Ronna McDaniel for Republican National Committee chair. “I think we need a change. I think we need to get some new blood in the RNC,” DeSantis told Charlie Kirk on Real America’s Voice in an interview aired Thursday, one day before the vote for RNC speaker.

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Commentary: Voters Can No Longer Tolerate Business as Usual, So It’s Time for Ronna McDaniel to Go

Kevin McCarthy’s speakership vote should have sent a clear message to GOP establishmentarians everywhere: conservatives have real power to leverage against Establishment-era Republicans, and they aren’t afraid to use it.

Even before the battle began on the floor of Congress, polling from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States revealed that Republican voters were dissatisfied with Republican Party congressional leadership. Capitalizing on the frustration of their constituents, a small band of Congressmen rebelled against the status quo and successfully managed to break up business as usual in our broken federal government.

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Major Conservative Donor Bernie Marcus Ditches McDaniel, Endorses Harmeet Dhillon for RNC Boss

One of the country’s foremost conservative donors on Wednesday endorsed former Trump campaign adviser Harmeet Dhillon to lead the Republican National Committee.

“I am supporting Harmeet Dhillon to become the next chairwoman of the RNC because America’s path forward is at stake,” Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus wrote in a letter to RNC members obtained by Just the News.

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RNC Announces 2024 Convention Dates

The Republican National Committee on Wednesday announced plans to hold its 2024 convention from July 15-18, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the GOP will select its 2024 presidential nominee.

“We look forward to our continued work with the beautiful city of Milwaukee to make this convention week a success. Republicans will stand united in Milwaukee in 2024 to share our message of freedom and opportunity with the world,” RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said. 

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Harmeet Dhillon Wins Key Endorsement, Texas and Arizona GOP Drop Ronna McDaniel, as RNC Chair Race Heats Up

Trump attorney Harmeet Dhillon is getting some support from within the Republican National Committee in her bid to unseat Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Over the weekend, Dhillon got the backing of longtime RNC member Morton Blackwell, founder of the conservative training group The Leadership Institute.

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Commentary: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Must Go

Illustrating that they won’t take their own side in a dispute, Republicans typically choose as their party chieftains hacks who betray little evidence of having read the GOP platform and even less evidence of supporting it. Current Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel falls into that category. She appears as conversant with the party platform as the late Bob Dole, who famously said that he never bothered to read it.

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RNC Launches 73 Election Integrity Lawsuits Across 20 States

In the year 2022 alone, the Republican National Committee (RNC) has filed 73 different lawsuits in 20 different states, alleging various violations of election procedure and resulting in several key victories, with two weeks to go before the midterms.

As reported by Fox News, the lawsuits focus on such matters as the counting of ballots that are either undated or mismarked, as well as the rights of poll watchers to directly observe the counting of ballots. The large-scale legal action by the RNC comes after widespread accusations of voter fraud in the 2020 election cycle, which many believe was enough to swing the results away from President Donald J. Trump and in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

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RNC Sues Pennsylvania over Ballot Curing for 2022 Elections

The Republican National Committee announced Friday that it is leading a lawsuit against Pennsylvania over ballot curing in the 2022 elections.

The other plaintiffs are the National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Pennsylvania GOP and several state voters.

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Republican National Committee Panel Recommends Milwaukee over Nashville for 2024 GOP Convention

The Site Selection Committee of the Republican National Committee voted to recommend Milwaukee as the host city of the group’s 2024 convention.

In a statement announcing the decision, GOP leaders pointed to the “forthright and professional behavior” of the city’s leaders throughout the process.

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The Republican National Committee Registering New Voters at Gas Stations as Prices Surge

Mobil gas prices

The Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a voter registration initiative at gas stations across the country, drawing attention to rising gas prices under President Joe Biden’s leadership.

“We are registering voters across the country who are tired of Biden’s Gas Hike!” the RNC said Monday on Twitter. “Coming to a gas station near you!”

The effort began with a Saturday event in Arizona, according to The Hill. “Arizonans are frustrated with paying the record-high gas prices we’ve seen recently, this is an issue that affects almost every single Arizonan,” said the communications director for Arizona’s RNC, Ben Petersen, according to The Hill.

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